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ABD'li yazar Lewy

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Inscrit le: 03 Fév 2006
Messages: 217
Localisation: France / région parisienne

MessagePosté le: 28 Avr 2006 17:40    Sujet du message: ABD'li yazar Lewy Répondre en citant

ABD'li yazar Lewy: Ermeni soykırımından bahsetmek mümkün değil


ABD’de, Ermeni diasporasının tüm baskılarına karşın, ’Osmanlı Türkiye’sinde Ermeni Kıyımı ve Soykırım Tartışmaları’ adlı bir kitap yayımlayan Guenter Lewy, "Osmanlı Ä°mparatorluÄŸu döneminde, istenmeyen ölümler, çok acı olaylar yaÅŸandı. Ermeniler de, Türkler de katledildi, ancak eldeki belgelere, bilgilere dayanarak soykırımdam sözetmek mümkün deÄŸil" dedi.

New York’taki Türkevi’nde, hem kitabının tanıtımını yapan hem de, soykırım iddialarına iliÅŸkin bir konferans veren Lewy, kitabını yayınlayabilmek için 2 yıl uÄŸraÅŸtığını, Ermeni lobisinin tüm engelleme çabalarına karşın kitabını yayınlamayı baÅŸardığını söyledi.

Tüm dünyada bazı tarihçilerin yanı sıra, pek çok kişinin Türklerin soykırım yaptığına inandığını söyleyen Lewy, kendisi ve Bernard Lewis gibi pek çok tarihçinin de soykırım yapılmadığına inandığını açıkladı. Lewy, "Her iki taraf da, günün koşulları içinde birbirlerine kıydı. Kesinlikle soykrım olmamıştır" dedi.


Konferanstan sonra, izleyicilerin sorularını yanıtlayıp, kitabını imzalayan Lewy, DHA’ya yaptığı açıklamada da, "Belgeleri tüm gerçekliÄŸiyle ortaya koyabilmiÅŸ olmaktan ve bunu burada da dile getirmekten çok mutluyum. Yeni kitabımda, önemli ayrıntılarıyla da belirttiÄŸim gibi, ortada trajik bir durum var, ama soykırım yok. Bunu belirtmek, hem tarihsel hem de politik anlamda çok önemli" dedi.


Ermenilerin ABD’de çok güçlü bir lobi oluÅŸturduklarını kaydeden Amerikalı yazar, "ABD’de yaÅŸayan Ermeniler, Ermeni hükümetinden bile daha güçlü" ifadesini kullandı. Guenter Lewy, Ermeni diasporasının, Ermenistan Cumhuriyeti’ni ilk tanıyan ülkelerden biri olan Türkiye ile Ermenistan arasındaki iliÅŸkileri baltalamaya ve soykırım iddialarının tartışılmasını bile önlemeye çalıştığını vurguladı.


Lewy, "Ermeni diasporası, Türkiye’nin özellikle DoÄŸu bölümünü kendilerine ait görüyor, haritaları hala öyle. Yahudilerin, Alman Hükümeti’nden soykırım tazminatı almaları, Ermenilerin iÅŸtahını kabarttı” dedi.

Fransız Parlamentosu’nun, sözde Ermeni soykırımı tasarısını kabul etmesini de eleÅŸtiren Lewy, yasa yapıcıların tarihi bilimadamları ve tarihçilere bırakması gerektiÄŸini belirtti.

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Inscrit le: 17 Mar 2006
Messages: 996
Localisation: Grenoble

MessagePosté le: 29 Avr 2006 15:36    Sujet du message: Bir baska amerikali yazar, Türk dostu Sam Weems Répondre en citant

Kısa bir süre önce vefat eden Sam Weems, Arkansas'lı emekli bir yargıç. Kitaplarında (Armenia, great deception ve Armenia, a terrorist state) abd'deki fanatik ermeni lobilerinin faaliyetlerinde türk düşmanlığı körüklemek için kullandıkları sahte belgeleri, soykırım iddialarının asılsızlığını ve de sscb'nin dağılması sonrası oratda boy gösteren Ermenistan cumhuriyetinin komşularına ne denli saldırgan bir politika uyguladığinı belgelerle gün ışığına çıkarıyor.

Tufan TÜRENÇ (06.03.2002)
Amerikalı yazarın Ermenilere isyanı


ERMENİ fanatikler iki milletin dostluğunu dinamitlemek için ellerinden gelen her türlü melaneti yapıyorlar.

Neden yapıyorlar? Bunun kime ne yararı oluyor? Anlamaya imkán yok.

Bir yandan uluslararası kurumlarda Türkiye'yi karalamak için soykırım kararları çıkartıyorlar, bir yandan anıtlar dikiyorlar, filmler çevirtiyorlar.

Bütün amaçları Ermenilerle Türkleri birbirlerine düşman etmek...

Kafaları melanetten başka bir işe işlemeyen kötü ruhlu bu güruhun saçlarını diken diken edecek bir kitap 6 Nisan'da Amerika'da piyasaya çıkacak.

Kitabın adı ‘‘Armenia-Great Deception/ Ermeni Hilesi’’

Yazarı Arkansas eyaletinde yaşayan Sam Weems adlı emekli bir savcı.

Koyu bir Hıristiyan olan Weems, kitabında Ermenilerin Türkleri karalamak için olmadık iftira ve yalanlar ileri sürdüklerini, bunları yaparken de din kimliğini kullandıklarını Ermeni belgeleriyle ortaya koyuyor.

Sam Weems kitabını yazabilmek için Washington, Londra, Paris, Moskova ve İstanbul'daki arşivleri inceliyor.

Ancak Ermenistan'daki arşivlere defalarca başvurmasına rağmen giremiyor.

Weems, bırakın Ermenistan'daki arşivleri, Boston'daki Ermeni Federasyonu'nun arşivlerine bile sokulmadığını söylüyor.

Kitapta Ermenilerin hoşgörüden ne kadar yoksun olduğuna örnek olarak Türkiye'de çok sayıda Ermeni kilisesi bulunduğu, buna karşın Ermenistan'daki camilerin hiçbirinin bugün ayakta kalmadığı gösteriliyor.

* * *

Weems kitabında, Osmanlı Anadolusu'nda görevli Amerikalı ve İngiliz devlet memurları ile askeri yetkililerinin tuttuğu raporlara dayanarak yaptığı demografik hesaplamalar ile soykırımın mümkün olamayacağını kanıtlıyor.

Sonra da ÅŸu soruyu soruyor:

‘‘Ermeni propagandacılarına ve komutacılarına mı, yoksa kendi Amerikalılarımıza mı inanalım?’’

Yazar kitabında kendi arÅŸivlerini açmayan Ermenilerin açık olduÄŸu halde ‘‘Türk arÅŸivleri açılsın’’ diye yaygara koparmalarını ikiyüzlülük olarak niteliyor.

ABD Kongresi kayıtlarında yaptığı araştırmalar sonucunda ABD'li vergi yükümlülerinin Ermenistan'a son on yıl içinde 1.4 milyar dolar yardım yaptığını belirliyor.

Buna isyan eden yazar şunları yazıyor:

‘‘Bu saldırgan, kavgacı, iÅŸkenceci, kindar, hırsız, yalancı ve dilenci Ermenistan'a benim vergi paralarım neden verilmektedir? Bu paraları veren politikacılar kimlerdir?’’

* * *

Weems bütün bu gerçekleri sıraladıktan sonra bir Ermeni iftirasına daha işaret ediyor.

Þöyle diyor:

‘‘Ermeniler hiç utanmadan, sıkılmadan Washington'da milyonlarca dolar verip bir bina satın alıyorlar ve soykırım müzesi kurmaya kalkıyorlar. Bu Hıristiyanlık adına utanç verici bir durumdur. EÄŸer bir soykırım müzesi kuracaklarsa sergileyecekleri arasında Türkler de olmalı. Yoksa kurdukları müze ırkçı nefret müzesi olmaktan öte bir anlam taşımaz.’’

Tarihi belgeleri inceleyen yazar Sam Weems karşılaştığı gerçekler karşısında biz Türklerin duyduğu isyanı gölgede bırakacak bir öfkeye kapılıyor ve Ermenilere ağır suçlamalar yöneltiyor.

Biz galiba Sam Weems'den daha tamammüllü, daha hoşgörülüyüz.

Bu kitap çok değişik bir mantıkla yaklaşıyor soruna.

O nedenle de Ermeni hilelerini çok çarpıcı biçimde gözler önüne seriyor.
"Si je désire une eau d'Europe, c'est la flache
Noire et froide où vers le crépuscule embaumé
Un enfant accroupi plein de tristesses, lâche
Un bateau frêle comme un papillon de mai" (A.R.)

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Inscrit le: 17 Mar 2006
Messages: 996
Localisation: Grenoble

MessagePosté le: 29 Avr 2006 15:38    Sujet du message: Armenia- a terrorist state (Terorist Devlet Ermenistan) Répondre en citant

Samuel Weems was a brave man, November 14, 2003
The author of "ARMENIA: Secrets of a 'Christian' Terrorist State" did a phenomenal job of compiling a plethora of Western and Armenian sources in the writing of this book... travelling to half a dozen nations. A major portion utilized Richard G. Hovannisian's four volume "Republic of Armenia," exposing the Armenian historian's inconsistencies (such as using "two sets of books"; utilizing the same numbers to count massacre victims, and also to count refugees.) Weems is recorded as having said "perhaps as much as 90% (of his) research (came) from Armenian sources."
From an interview: "When they wanted pity, money, and reparation, all these refugees were 'killed'; but when it was time to prove to the West that Armenians did have numbers to establish a state of their own, all of those 'dead' refugees, all of a sudden, came back to life! Magic!"
Weems was the exceptionally rare Western author who dared to go up against the well-oiled machinery of the extensive Armenian genocide industry. His is the kind of book that does not find wide distribution, while a Peter Balakian can find a major publisher to rehash the familiar Armenian claims.
Balakian can find a publisher not only because the relentless propaganda has ingrained this "genocide" into people's belief systems, but also because the sizeable Armenian-American community forms a built-in market; just look at the Amazon reviews for his books and see all the five star reviews. Meanwhile, almost no Western author cares to tackle this hot button topic of the purported genocide, because most have been influenced by the century long and unilaterally presented Armenian propaganda machinery. The few historians who know better don't dare to approach this minefield, aware as they are of the Armenian militia ready to devastate carefully cultivated reputations. Some even fear for their lives, as in the case of Professor Stanford Shaw, whose house was bombed by Armenian extremists in 1977.
How is it that Sam Weems, a "good ol' boy" from Arkansas, was motivated to write such a book that presented the rare Turkish side? The district attorney and judge was a devoted Baptist and Christian scholar, and what stirred him was his awareness of how un-Christian the Armenians have historically behaved; in short, he was outraged at what the Armenians have been getting away with. For example, he hated that American Christians have been "fleeced and deceived by Armenians" for so long, and it made his blood boil that the Armenian Church, an institution that is supposed to spread the word of Jesus Christ -- LOVE -- has been an active partner in state sponsored terrorism, dating back to the 1890s and earlier.
Weems elaborated in this book what he summed up in an interview: "The Church of Armenia practices Christianity as the Catholic Church did in the dark ages of history. There is persecution of all Christians other than the Church of Armenia. As in the dark ages, the Armenian Church excommunicates Armenians and condemns their souls to hell if they take part in other branches of the Christian faith. This is one of the problems of Armenians; they live in the dark ages of today's modern world. Such religious attitude is not helpful to world peace."
When the book was announced, what happened? The Armenian Assembly of America, with its budget of $2.5 million, went on the attack to see how they could contribute to what passes these days for Armenian terror... campaigns of defamation. Aside from the immense volume of hate mail the author received, along with the requisite death threats, the author defended himself against AAA's libel by writing in an open letter:
"The Armenian Assembly of America has publicly called me a 'convicted felon.' Let me only say that such a character attack is exactly what Armenians have been doing for years to individuals who do not agree with them. It is their modus operandi and style to attack anything and anybody that is not to their liking!"
Many of the Armenian critics pretended to have read the book... before the book was even released. To this, Weems responded: "How can you attack a book that you have never read? What kind of people are you?"
We can ask the same about the Armenians who pretend to be "reviewers" at Amazon, just to submit their one star ratings. Notice they point to nothing book-specific in their "reviews." Powercuff (having duplicated his entry days later, to add an extra "one star" to weaken the overall rating... at the time of this writing), for example, states the book misrepresents history; if he had read the book, he would see the sources are rock-solid, many stemming from Hovannisian himself. (Powercuff asked two questions, which ought to be addressed: Talat Pasha fled because he knew the succeeding Ottoman government would be puppets of the Allies, and the 1919 kangaroo courts would only be interested in recriminations. He was correct, given the death sentences handed out... and he must have felt living anonymously in Germany would make him safer from Armenian crazies, one of whom succeeded in killing him.) The less said about Powercuff's contention of the "unbias (sic) truth" of Morgenthau, the better; see my Amazon review of "Ambassador Morgenthau's Story," to learn more.
"Brent Anders" whines there are "countless" Armenians who remember the genocide (that must add up to a lot of over 90-year-olds), and criticizes the "war like" nature of the Turks. Nobody is saying Armenians did not die, and what does any of that have to do with this book... which he concludes is "simply a lie probably written by Turks." The "Ridiculous Fact Twisting" reader, a Californian who claims he is not Armenian, offers the familiar monologue regarding why there must have been a genocide, while it's obvious he hasn't come near this book. He claims, for example, that "Western/British estimates and those even conducted by the Ottoman Empire place the (Armenians)... at... 2.5-3.0 million," when Weems impressively provides many Western sources ranging from 1 million (the 1912 British Blue Book) to 1.6 million (Lepsius; the Ottoman census was the median figure, at 1.3 million). And Areg Danagoulian ignorantly states the book compiles "low quality propaganda from Turkish sources."
Sam Weems was quite right; what kind of people are these, who "review" books they obviously haven't read?

"Si je désire une eau d'Europe, c'est la flache
Noire et froide où vers le crépuscule embaumé
Un enfant accroupi plein de tristesses, lâche
Un bateau frêle comme un papillon de mai" (A.R.)

Dernière édition par sultani le 29 Avr 2006 15:58; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 17 Mar 2006
Messages: 996
Localisation: Grenoble

MessagePosté le: 29 Avr 2006 15:48    Sujet du message: ermeni'lerin karabag'lilara uyguladigi katlam... Répondre en citant

Not first century is Armenian aggression against Turkey and Azerbaijan carried on. Backed up by rather influential states who had profit in Caucasus Armenians committed ethnic cleansings, terrorist acts in Azerbaijan in order to get as much territories as possible and pronounce their state. So, at the turn of 20th century Soviet Armenia was established in Caucasus, of course, nowhere else but on the lands of Western Azerbaijan where Azerbaijani people were incurred to ethnic cleansings and driven out from. Since 1988 Armenia claimed for Upper Garabagh (or “Nagorno-Karabakh”) which is now annexed, not without active help of Russia. Azerbaijan and Armenia are now in condition of permanent war despite the seize-fire regime which lasts since 1994. Over 1.000.000 of Azerbaijani Karabakh residents became refugees, most of them live in tent-camps in intolerable condition. Supported by the Russian motorized infantry 366th regiment Armenian armed forces committed brutal action of genocide of Azerbaijanis in Khojaly town.

Before the seize-fire regime was achieved this war was profitable for Armenian government officials as it provided enormous financial support from Armenian lobby in USA, Russia and European countries. But ultimately it caused economic blockade of Armenia surrounded by the states whose territories Armenians claim for (note that these territorial claims are reflected in the constitution of Armenia – a single case in international practice). This blockade caused general migration and now the populace of this state does not exceed 1.000.000.

Most of their terrorist acts Armenians committed in Turkey, usa, Israel and Europe. Of course, many innocent people who appeared in a certain place at the moment of explosion or skirmish were killed or injured. And not only were these acts aimed at murdering the Turkish diplomats. Such terrorist organizations as “ASALA” (“Armenian Secret Army for Liberation of Armenia”), “Dashnaktsutun” (Armenia`s ruling party), “Vrtaruner” (“Avengers”), “Krunk”, “JSAG”, “Armenian group of 28” and many others assumed responsibility for all their assassinations. They “justify” these crimes saying “We take revenge for Armenian genocide”. National ideology of Armenia consists of nothing else but the paranoia of so-called “genocide” which makes them a “nation”. This idea is impressed into the mind of young Armenians by their ideologists, who try to raise this fable to the rank of an axiom before the eyes of the world community.

Yet one should answer a question: “Is Armenian ‘genocide’ real?”

According to the definition, GENOCIDE is a premeditated action committed with a mind to destruct a national, ethnic or religious group. A “premeditated action”, if there were any in Turkey against Armenians, demands thousands of official telegrams, letters, dispatches and other documents which were to be sent to the executive officials by the government (E.g., there were found many when some of the Hitler’s surround were judged). But there were none. If we do not mention notorious ‘Andonyan documents’, copies of an “official orders to kill Armenians” submitted by unknown Andonyan. As he said, “the scripts were lost". There was no doubt it was fake. ‘Bismillah’, a Muslim greeting written in Arabic alphabet which no official document would start without contained many mistakes. Moreover, dates according to Muslim and Christian calendars were also confused. This proves inadequacy of Armenian charges (>>>).

Of course, many Armenians were killed, as well as Jewish, Bulgarians, Turks, Greek, Circassians etc. According to J.McCarty, the loses of Armenians totaled 300.000 (not 1,5-2 million as Armenians plead) within the World War I. But these were the victims of typhus, starvation, tuberculosis and raids of Kurdish peasants and Armenian dashnaks. The latter slaughtered the Ottoman Armenians who did not intend to go over to the Russians and join Russian troops against Ottomans. To prevent this slaughter, the Ottoman Government decided to transport the population who lived close to the Russian-Ottoman front line (Armenians especially) - deeper in Anatolia. Engaged at all front lines, the Ottoman Government could not provide armed forces enough to escort and protect those people: Armenians, Greek, Jewish, Bulgarians, Circassians and Turks. This caused another raids of Kurds and Armenian Dashnaks. As we see, there was no premeditated murders by the Ottoman Government.

This is the picture reflected in French, British, German and Russian Foreign Ministries` Archives. Such historians as Stanford Show, Samuel Weems, Justin McCarty and many others referring to these files threw light on this problem. Nowadays, the Greek, Jewish, Bulgarians, Circassians and even Turks whose ancestors died of raids, disease and starvation do not claim about Greek/Jewish/Bulgarian etc. ‘genocide’ committed by the Ottoman Government as there was no premeditated murder. Because all these people were not killed in carnage by the Ottoman Government - these were the civilian losses of the Ottoman Empire in World War I. But Armenian ideologists suggest to all Armenian people an idea that:


Turks committed Armenian genocide

Turkish Government drove ALL Armenians out of historical lands of Armenia

Turkey should be put on trial, pay reparations and return the territories.

Of course, they exclude any 'pro-Russian dashnak' version. However, according to vital statistics shown in the works of the abovementioned historians, 2,5 million Turks died of typhus, tuberculosis, starvation and raids of Kurdish peasants and Armenian dashnaks. What kind of 'Armenian genocide' can be spoken about if loses of 'victims' (Armenians) were less than the 'executors' (Turks)?! And if we check the figures asserted by Armenians (1,5-2 million) we will have to conclude that after the 'genocide' no Armenian element should have survived. Moreover, how can one believe Armenian propagandists if, as they claim, 600 ideologists (warmongers who called the Armenians to rebel and go over to Russia while the Government lacked control being engaged on the front lines) were arrested before the "genocide" took place? in fact, they were 2000, not 600. and now Armenian terrorists threaten any historian who dares to throw the light on Armenian 'genocide' fables. Yet, making use of an Americans` or Europeans` hostility towards Muslims Armenians successfully create the myth about "Turk the Ripper" who so far kills "helpless" Armenians.

…Today the parliamentarians all over the world, bribed by the Armenian lobby, voting for recognition of so-called 'Armenian genocide' or rendering support to self-proclaimed "Nagorno-Karabakh Republic" - in fact PROMOTE TERRORISM. They perfectly know what the matter is but consciously estimate their profits higher than the trust of the electorate. These parliamentarians/senators/congressmen betray the interests of their citizen whom factually the fate of other victims of Armenian terrorism can strike. the most ironic is that these parliamentarians financially support Armenians with money of the tax-payers. And such a connivance leads to more tragic events than that of the September, 11.

We decided to refer to Samuel Weems, a detached observer and man of incorruptible conscience. This is his letter to Carol Payne Flavell, Acting Director of U.S. Agency for International Development where he gives an objective estimation to this problem. Mr. Weems`s words are aimed only at those guilty of Azerbaijanis and other people’s misfortunes. As stressed above, S.Weems`s family members, as well as other historians and journalists, are permanently threatened by the Armenian terrorists to be attacked. Needless to say, Armenians are extremely irritated by objective estimation of Azerbaijani – Armenian conflict given to people without being ‘filtered’ through the “censorship” of Armenian propaganda.

The problem Mr. Weems writes about does not refer only to American tax-payers. This is whole World’s problem, as many parliamentarians in several countries, being bribed by the Armenian lobby support Armenian terrorism and separatism with the money they take out of the citizens` pockets. It is up to the reader to decide whether to pay taxes on terrorism or not.

October 20, 2002

Ms. Carol Payne Flavell, Acting Director

U.S. Agency for International Development

1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20523 Tcalongne@usaid.gov

(Todd D. Calongne Public affairs Liaison)

Dear Ms. Flavell:

I have just read your agency's press release dated October 16, 2002 wherein you state that USAID SIGNS CONTRACT TO REDUCE HUMAN SUFFERING FROM NAGORNO-KARABAKH CONFLICT.

I noticed in your press release that you are spending my tax money ($15 million dollars) to repair "an estimated 60 schools that were damaged or destroyed during the conflict and still lack basic furnishings and supplies. Systems to supply potable water to many towns and villages, including Stepanakert, are inadequate, even though there is ample water in Nagorno Karabakh. Where water supply systems exist, they have deteriorated through a combination of war damage and maintenance. USAID programs to date have addressed this need in only 30 of the 65 villages that reportedly lack adequate supply of potable water. Earlier estimates by NK authorities were of 3450 shelters damaged in the conflict. The completed USAID shelter program repaired 1080, or approximately 30% of this need, leaving approximately 2300 homes needing repair."

I also noted that you are now taking great pride in awarding this $15 million dollars of my tax money in saying that this is "the first direct USAID/Armenia award to an Armenian-American organization."

I am a Scottish American and I do not have a drop of Armenian, Azerbaijani nor Turkish (Azerbaijanis and Turks have ethnic affinity) blood in my veins. I have spent the last four years researching and writing a book titled ARMENIA-SECRETS OF A "CHRISTIAN" TERRORIST STATE. As an American taxpayer I protest this absolute improper spending of my tax money. The proof is absolute and clear. Armenia is a terrorist state! The number one import of Armenia is foreign aid such as you is giving them with my $15 million dollars tax money. The clear proof is that the number one export of Armenia is terrorism.

You spend my "Christian" tax payer money to restore 1080 Armenian homes in what you call the "conflict" in Nagorno-Karabakh. You complain about how 60 Armenian schools were damaged or destroyed. You complain about how the water supply has been neglected. The actual truth is that the Armenians should spend some of their money for improvements rather than waste it to maintain their 50,000 combat troops holding this occupied Azerbaijani land that they stole by armed force. They could also maintain those water supplies themselves without my tax money, Ms. Flavell. If the terrorist Armenians had not invaded in a dastardly sneak attack supported by one billion dollars of Russian military help, they, the Armenians, would not have to ask for American "Christian" foreign aid such as you are giving away to a proven terrorist state.

Ms. Flavell, by your agency's giving $15 million US tax dollars to these Armenians, you are doing exactly the same thing European Christians did in supporting the "terrorist" Christian Crusades. Consider what you are doing. Your action is nothing more than the total support for an Armenian regime that is guilty of ethnic cleansing. You should be aware that there is only a 5% minority population left in Armenia. As of last count there were only 37 Jews left in Nagorno-Karabakh. A Jewish presence in this region of the world existed for more than 2,000 years until the Armenians cleansed this territory and drove out those who were left alive. The same thing happened to the rest of the poor Azerbaijani citizens.

In passing, let me inform you that at one time during the turn of the 20th century there lived in the present day capital of Armenia close to a million Muslim Turks (Azerbaijanis included), Sircassians, Kurds, and Chechens. They constituted 55% of the populace of Yerevan. There is not one Muslim left in Yerevan today. The Armenians butchered them all in a savage way. During the Second World War the same Armenians fought against the Allied Forces by eagerly collaborating with Adolph Hitler and his cohorts.

Clearly the Armenians learned well from their Nazi partners in crime during this period of human tragedy of World War II. I am finishing the transcript of a second book whose title will be HITLER'S ARMENIAN NAZIS. More than 100,000 Armenians fought for the Nazis and many of them served the Nazis by capturing Jews who were in hiding and then transporting them to the death camps themselves. The Armenians even asked Hitler to declare the Armenian race as an Aryan pure race just as the Nazis who claimed to be Aryan pure stock. Hitler granted the Armenian request in 1943.

The Armenians still are not satisfied, Ms. Flavell. They are again reverting to their old tricks and their ruse and sham are taking you, as a good-hearted but innocent person, in. What is sad is that you are duped by their clever tactics and you are helping them cleanse someone else's' lands of Jews and Azerbaijani citizens. It would be a shame to see this happening under your very eyes. To dispense American tax monies for such an evil purpose under false pretence of helping a poor friendly country is a travesty of truth and it weakens the moral fiber of the American citizens. Sooner or later the American citizens will discover this and some people will be held responsible for donating everyone's hard-earned tax dollars in the name of "humanitarian aid" for the sole purpose of propping up an alien corrupt and terrorist government - a government which has never stretched out its hand in friendship as a two way street to the United States. The only time their hands are stretched out is when they beg the U.S. for your approval of foreign aid like common panhandlers and shameless mendicants.How can you spend American "Christian" tax dollars to rebuild 3450 Armenian homes when those very so-called "Christian" Armenians drove more than one million "Muslim" and Jewish Azerbaijani citizens out of more than 153,000 of their homes in their very own lands? I notice that your agency is not spending one single penny to help rebuild a single Muslim or Jewish home. As an American taxpayer I must ask why you discriminate against Jews and Muslims when they are the "legal" owners of the lands in question? The proof I offer is the Resolutions passed by the United Nations demanding that the Armenians vacate these lands they stole by armed force from Muslims and Jews.

How can you spend American "Christian" tax dollars to rebuild 60 Armenian schools and to provide supplies when the Armenians you are helping destroyed 616 "Muslim" schools on these same lands? The poor unfortunate Azerbaijani children today barely exist in leaky tents wallowing in muddy ground, in extreme hunger and disease. Their lives have been ruined and the Armenians have stolen their futures. Yet you ignore these Muslims to help only Armenians. Why do you act in such an unfair way?

The "all-powerful" Armenian lobby in the U.S. Congress has secured passage of Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act that prohibits the United States from helping "Muslim" Azerbaijani citizens. While even our President criticizes this unjust law, you, on the other hand now help these 'moocher Armenians' just because they claim an affinity with U.S. Christians. Is it any wonder that the Muslim world hates us Americans when they see you, your agency, and others supporting these Armenian "Christian" terrorists?

Herbert Hoover, one of our past presidents, in his earlier days was working for the U.S. government at the end of World War I as the first American to be in the Caucasus and he attempted to help the Armenians. He failed because the Armenians demanded that they receive the money in cash to care for their own people. This future president of the United States said just after World War I that if the public knew the extend of the massive fraud committed by the Armenian leaders, that it would be the biggest charitable scandal in American history. Not much has changed since that time in Armenia, Ms. Flavell. Are you being the instrumental for another such scandal by giving away our hard-earned tax revenues, presenting those millions of dollars on a silver platter directly to those unsatisfied Armenian organizations?

I would direct your attention to the latest United States Department of State Report on Human Rights Practices in Armenia. It can be found on your Internet at the following link. http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/hrrpt/2001/eur/8221.htm as proof certain of what I am saying to you.

On May 9th of this year the United States Department of State placed sanctions on Armenian business firms for their illegal sale of information and materials to Iran for use in the building of weapons of mass destruction. Iran is one of the three axes of evil as stated by President Bush. Now you give $15 million dollars of my tax money to this gang of terrorists to help them rebuild land that they stole by armed force. What in the world are you thinking?

When you go to this web site, you will discover that the official report of the United States Department of State shows that corruption is still widespread in Armenia just as it was at the end of World War I. It is doubtful that all the millions of dollars you are giving to Armenia will never be accounted for, neither will that money go to their intended places. They will usurp those many millions of dollars of my tax money. I'll be the loser in the process along side millions of other gullible U.S. citizens. The Armenians have improperly spent US tax monies during the last 90 years. Nothing has changed. The Armenians continue to be corrupt as stated by the US State Department Report. If you read that report you will have a change of heart I am sure, Ms. Flavell.

Think about this truth: How can anyone justify the granting of those $15 million US tax dollars to Armenians in view of the fact that they borrowed $ 100 million dollars from the Russians? And they are busy repaying that >>>>> 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-0 <<<<<< and at the same time they are ignoring the $50 million borrowed from Uncle Sam. They simply refuse to repay us our money. Isn't this an excellent example of a double standard? Should we then continue doing business with these deadbeats, this gang of thugs, and thieves?

My question to you is based on the clear evidence why shouldn’t the United States let the Russians keep up their puppet state? Don’t you realize that Russia, at the invitation of the Armenians, now have three Russian military bases in Armenia manned by more than 30,000 Russian soldiers? Do you know that there are also two Russian MIG fighter jet squadrons located today in Armenia? Do you realize that there are countless numbers of Russian surface to air missiles stationed in Armenia all pointed toward America’s NATO ally Turkey? Do you know that even in its great poverty the Armenians pay the Russians to provide border guards for their border with Turkey? And just why do the Armenians pay the Russians for this service - to create hostility within this region of the world.You probably heard of Robert Kocharian, the President of Armenia. Well, he loves to frequent the nightclubs in Yerevan and party in public. Last year one day at midnight the same Armenian President, Robert Kocharian was in a nightclub where one of his political adversaries had the temerity of making a remark which did not go too well with him. So he signaled a bodyguard of his and the bodyguard beat the political opponent to death. Read the most recent State Department report and learn these facts for yourself.

Just last week the President of Armenia took the President of the Ukraine night clubbing. Once again there were embarrassing acts that should not have taken place in a civilized country. There are other similar examples which will startle you yet you are giving these people $15 million of my tax dollars to rebuild only the "Christian" homes, schools and water supplies in Nagorno-Karabakh which the Armenians themselves destroyed with their own artillery shells and aerial bombardments.

You also should examine the Armenian record of women’s rights before you give away my tax dollars. I would suggest that you read carefully the December 2000 report issued by the Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights. This organization spent many months in Armenia and they conclude that women in this terrorist state were better off under Russian rule than they are today under the male dominated dictators of Armenia. The US State Department Report on human rights makes the finding that men are allowed to beat their wives in Armenia and there is no law in the corrupt Armenian court system to protect them. When you give the male dominated society of this tiny landlocked place 15 million American tax dollars you approve of such violence against women of that part of the world. Your gift of $15 million taxpayer dollars encourages this male dominate society to continue to beat and mistreat their women. Shame on you Ms. Flavell. Read the Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights report on their web site www.mnadvocates.orgMs. Flavell-I am certain that you are aware of the fact that the United Nations voted not once but on five different occasions demanding that Armenia withdraw from its unlawful occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh because they have illegally invaded 20% of Azerbaijani lands. These United Nations resolutions can be verified in their yearly reports. Therefore, I am amazed that you should allocate $15 million dollars of my tax money to help only "Christians" who have committed such acts of terrorism against Muslims and Jews. The United States "claims" to be fighting against such terrorist acts that your agency is encouraging and supporting. Consider what the United Nations says about the Armenians Ms. Favell:

UN Security Council Resolution # 822 demands the "immediate withdrawal of all Armenian occupying forces from Nagorno-Karabakh."

One particular area is Kelbadjar, which was stolen by military force from Azerbaijan. The Armenians continue to keep it as if it was their own, without paying even a red penny for compensation to Azerbaijan. Now, you reward the Armenians for their terrorist taking of these lands by armed force. Why?


UN Security Council Resolution # 853 demands "immediate, complete and unconditional withdrawal of the occupying forces involved from the district of Agdam and other recently occupied areas of the Azerbaijan Republic.

UN Security Council Resolution # 874 urges the Armenians "to refrain from any hostile acts and from any interference and intervention which would lead to the widening of the conflict and undermine peace and security in the region."

UN Security Council Resolution # 884 condemns "the occupation of the Zangelan district and the city of Goradiz, attacks on civilians and bombardments of the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic" and demanding "unilateral withdrawal of the occupying forces from the Zangelan district and the city of Goradiz".

The United Nations General Assembly passed Resolution (A/Res/48/114) on December 20, 1993 calling for emergency international assistance to refugees and displaced personas in Azerbaijan.

And what does the Armenian government do under these circumstances? -They simply ignore these United Nations Resolutions as listed above. Not only that they also use their best efforts to prevent aid from reaching the one million Azerbaijani refugees caused by a war instigated by, these “lovely” people. Do you think that what they do can be considered the acts of Christians as the Armenians claim to be Ms. Flavell! The USAID ignores the United Nations' multiple resolutions and continues giving $15 Million dollars of my tax money to this terrorist state to support their terrorist actions! This is not the kind of American justice I was taught growing up in my Baptist church here in the United States of America. Where did you learn your sense of fairness and justice?

Don’t you realize that the terrorist state of Armenia is the only state in the entire world that recognizes the illegal state of Nagorno-Karabakh? These United Nations Resolutions is exactly why no nation or state in the world will recognize this gang of thieves and thugs and yet the United States of America gives mega millions of American tax dollars to such a place. I must ask this basic question - why do you do what the rest of the world does not?Ms. Flavell, I hate to beat the proverbial "dead horse" on the head. But as you know, our President Bush is demanding that the United Nations enforce its Resolutions against Iraq. How then can the United States (USAID) ignore these five Resolutions passed by the UN as to Armenian terrorist actions against Azerbaijan? If you give my tax money to Armenians you do nothing but to encourage Armenia to never settle this "conflict" as you call it. Your "gift" of my tax money to Armenians is nothing more than giving aid and comfort to the Armenian "terrorist" self called Republic, and to give them $15 million dollars of tax payers money is wrong under these circumstances.

Consider this fact Ms. Flavell. The United States is a co-chair with Russia of what is called the Minsk group. This is an organization of countries who claim to be fair and who "claim" to be working to help Azerbaijan and Armenia work out a peace settlement for Nagorno-Karabakh. How can the United States be fair when you are giving $15 million dollars (this time to an Armenian American) organization to rebuild only Armenian losses in this region and nobody knows if this money will not be spent to supportthe 50.000 Armenian terrorists occupying Karabakh? Certainly the Azerbaijan people have every reason to think that neither the United States nor Russia (the other co-chair of the Minsk group) is fair and honest in trying to help them.

Ms. Flavell, you should travel to Azerbaijan and visit the refugee camps where some one million Azerbaijan citizens barely exist. These poor people were driven out of their homes without receiving compensation of any kind (in fact, “compensation” is not a relevant word in such case) - why pray tell, are you helping these invaders, these illegal occupiers? How in the world can you today help Armenians rebuild their homes and cities that they themselves caused to be destroyed by their terrorist actions and refuse to help the Jews and Muslims whose homes were stolen by armed force by this gaggle of Armenians?

Ms. Flavell, you really should see for yourself the terrorism the Armenians waged in the "conflict" as you call it. How do you explain the wide spread Armenian practice of scalping, poking eyes, cutting off ears, noses, genitals of old men, old women and children? The Armenian terrorists did this in Azerbaijan on a wide scale basis.

Ms. Flavell, you really should see for yourself the terrorism the Armenians waged in the "conflict" where they cut hundreds of pieces of flesh from the bodies of Azerbaijan captives. The Armenians were proud of their conduct and brag about of doing such horrible acts.

Ms. Flavell, you really should see for yourself the terrorism the Armenians waged in what you call a "conflict" where when Armenians captured teen-age boys and young men and cut their penises off and stuck them in the mouths of their unfortunate mothers, sisters and wives. They bragged about their inhuman savagery in Azerbaijan. This was also done on a widespread basis. A civilized people could never do such totally evil acts. All you need to do is to make an inquiry to the State Archives of the Azerbaijani government to see the very photos and documents of what I have just written above.

Mr. Flavell, I have been to Azerbaijan and I have seen such evidence and I suggest you should do the same before you embark in giving away any American tax money to such terrorists. The list of their atrocities and war crimes is as long as your arms, and my United States government has no business supporting a gang of thugs who murdered more than 35,000 poor Azerbaijani citizens in this "conflict" as you call it. This "conflict" in reality was and is continuing to be a mass murder of innocent people.

The United States must support the United Nations resolutions to help bring an end to this festering human tragedy that you call a "conflict" started by Armenia. Before we give away more billions of American tax dollars to these terrorist groups, we must stop to think about the future consequences of our gullible actions. How can the United States expect the rest of the world to support us in Iraq, or let's say in North Korea. Is it any wonder why the Muslim world hates us –one good reason is American support of this unending "Christian" Armenian terrorism carried on against Muslims?Ms. Flavell, I hope that you did not forget the national tragedy of September 11, 2001. The United States of America is waging a War on Terrorism since that date. The American people must not support any country-any state-or any people, which carry out terrorist activities. To paraphrase George W. Bush, Armenians are either with us or they are against us. So far, they have been acting as if they were our adversaries not our allies, which the bootlicking U.S. legislators who receive millions of campaign money from claim that they are. Armenians do not merit any amount of American taxpayer funds regardless of how much they pay our elected congressmen and senators. Armenia is in violation of United Nations Resolutions, and continues to do so with impunity, even as we speak (as Armenians know they will be protected by those who they bribed).

Ms. Flavell. I will be pleased to give you a copy of my book, which I know will be helpful in your rescinding the idea of helping this alien-like government and people. In my book I made use of almost all Armenian sources to prove my point that the contemporary government and people of Armenia are sitting on a nest of terrorists. I prove that Armenians are guilty of doing, to poor Azerbaijan and its millions of Muslim and Jewish refugees, what can only be called a true genocide and a major crime against humanity. The Armenians have butchered 2.5 million of Muslims during the turn of the 20th century, and now they claim they were the victims of the same genocide. They themselves do not own up to any killing. They even refuse to accept that they inflicted even a nosebleed to the Muslim Turks. This has always been their style: to lie - steal - murder and claim someone else did all the wrongful acts they themselves committed while begging handouts throughout the Christian world.As an informed American taxpayer I had to write this letter to protest what you and your agency has done because it violates the concept of fairness and justice that generations of past were taught here in the United States of America. Ms. Flavell, you have been fleeced and deceived by a terrorist government of less than 2 million people. I hope you check out for yourself what I have written to you and that you will take the proper corrective steps to correct your miscarriage of fairness and justice.

Yours truly,

Samuel A. Weems

Cc Senator Tim Hutchinson

Senator Blanche Lincoln

Congressman Marion Berry

Congressman Vic Snyder

Congressman Mike Ross

Congressman John Bosman

* * *

We have learnt about Samuel Weems`s premature death. Our condolences to his family.

"Si je désire une eau d'Europe, c'est la flache
Noire et froide où vers le crépuscule embaumé
Un enfant accroupi plein de tristesses, lâche
Un bateau frêle comme un papillon de mai" (A.R.)

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